

About elektrovaren

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So far elektrovaren has created 33 blog entries.

eVAR-PLC Programmable Control Panels

2017-04-21T15:34:20+03:00Categories: Products, Protection and Control Systems|Tags: , |

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Power plants, pump stations, cement factories, heat centers, smart buildings, notably the sequence control, motion control, process control and for plants that need the data management control panel production of, thanks to intelligent ports module with easy assembly and disassembly feature panels. In addition, our Design department, the control projects such facilities [...]

TEDAS Technical Spesifications

2017-08-19T13:50:41+03:00Categories: Genel|

TEDAŞ-MYD/2003-006.A Metal Mahfazalı AG Dağıtım Panoları (Revize) TEDAŞ-MYD/2004-046-A Alçak Gerilim Saha Dağıtım Kutuları (BOX) TEDAŞ-MYD/96-026-A OG Şönt Kapasitör Bankları ve Techizatı TEDAŞ-MYD/96-030 OG Sistemleri İçin Şönt Kapasitör Ölçü, Kumanda, Koruma Panosu TEDAŞ-MYD/2002-042.A Alçak Gerilim Dikey Tip Sigortalı Yük Ayırıcıları TEDAŞ-MYD/96-027.B Sekonder Röleler TEDAŞ-MYD/ AG Harmonik Filtreli Kompanzasyon Uygulama Talimati [...]

Electricity Strong Current Regulation

2017-04-20T13:31:24+03:00Categories: Genel|

BİRİNCİ BÖLÜM Amaç, Kapsam, Dayanak, Uygulama ve Tanımlar Amaç ve kapsam Madde 1- Bu Yönetmelik, elektrik kuvvetli akım tesislerinin kurulmasının,işletilmesinin ve bakımının can (insan hayatı) ve mal emniyeti bakımından güvenlikle yapılmasına ilişkin hükümleri kapsar. Aşağıdaki tesisler bu Yönetmeliğin kapsamına girmez: - Elektrik İç Tesisleri Yönetmeliği kapsamındaki tesisler, - Elektrikle işleyen taşıtlara ilişkin besleme ve cer [...]

6,3 kV / 10 kV / 17,5 kV / 24 kV / 36 kV YG Switching System Installation

2017-04-21T17:18:24+03:00Categories: HV Switchgear Systems, Services|Tags: , |

Electricity energy goes through different processes until it reaches to the subscriptions after being produced in power plants (Thermal Power Plants, Solar Power Plants, Wind Power Plants, Hydroelectric Power Plants and Nuclear Power Plants). First, the voltage of the electric energy is increased at the exit of the power plants. The upgraded voltage reaches the [...]

eVAR-AHF Active Harmonic Filters

2017-04-21T17:04:24+03:00Categories: Active Harmonic Filters, Power Quality Systems, Products|Tags: , |

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION eVAR-AHF is last technology product, Active Harmonic Filter (AHF).its cleans all kinds of dynamic harmonics and improve the power factor of the electrical system. AHF is a dynamic control function is no risk of resonance and the capacitive reactive power is not consumed as a passive filter. eVAR-AHF Active Harmonic Filters AHF60, [...]

eVAR-PTC Piano Type Control Panels

2017-04-21T15:34:02+03:00Categories: Products, Protection and Control Systems|Tags: , |

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Stepdown transformer substations, power plants, SCADA monitoring centers, mainly pumping stations, making the control of the control system from a single center piano-type control panel production of, are made with specially designed panels are made on CNC machines. In addition, our Design department, the control projects such facilities are able to prepare [...]

eVAR-MCC Motor Control Panels

2017-04-21T15:33:43+03:00Categories: Products, Protection and Control Systems|Tags: , |

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Pump stations, cement factories, heat centers, particularly irrigation facilities, production of multiple motor control and protection that the motor control panels, thanks to intelligent ports module with easy assembly and disassembly feature panels and is done externaly or internally. In addition, our Design department, the control projects such facilities are able to [...]

eVAR-KT Floor Boards

2017-04-21T15:33:26+03:00Categories: LV Distribution Systems, LV Distribution Systems, Products|Tags: , |

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION  Floor boards are appropriate to use either under above or plaster. In the production of board body and cover, DKP steel, hard plastic and glass-fibre-reinforced polyester materials are used. Board dimensions change according to fuse quantity and sequence. They are produced with sheathing / curtain and floor sheets according to feature of usage area.Floor [...]

eVAR-SP Metering Panels

2017-04-21T15:33:08+03:00Categories: LV Distribution Systems, LV Distribution Systems, Products|Tags: , |

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Metering panels of facilities which have multiple electrical energy subscribers such as shopping malls, housing estates, main commercial centers etc. are manufactured with modular panels with intelligent connection modules powered by easy assembly and disassembly features. Under our proposal department coordination, with our expert team working in our design and manufacturing departments, [...]

eVAR-ADP LV Distribution Panels

2017-04-21T15:32:48+03:00Categories: LV Distribution Systems, LV Distribution Systems, Products|Tags: , |

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Our company; Through intelligent ports module with easy assembly and disassembly feature modular panels according to IEC 61439-1 and IEC 61439-2 standard, different sizes, different mounting types, up to 4000A, synchronization panels, Network - Generator Transfer switch and main distribution panels, manufactures. with our Quotations departmant coordination, Designing and manufacturing our part [...]

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